
The Homeowner's Guide To Mold Removal And The Repairs That Are Going To Be Needed After The Mold Is Gone


The mold in your home could require professional removal if it is hazardous and spreading rapidly. What you may not realize is that mold removal is just the beginning of the repairs that are going to need to be done when there is a problem. After the mold is gone, there are still repairs and rebuilding that is going to be needed to get your home back together. The following mold removal guide will help you with the repairs that still need to be done after the mold is gone:

2 June 2020

Why You Do Not Want To Try To Remove Mold From Your Home Yourself


No matter where you have found mold in your home, it is important to make sure that it is removed as soon as possible. Never assume that places such as the bathroom or basement are fine to have mold in them. Sure, they might be more likely to develop mold if moisture problems develop there, but that does not mean you have to live with it. Mold can quickly spread and it is very dangerous to breathe in, so it is something you want to take care of right away.

24 September 2019

When A Small Leak In Your Home Causes Big Damage: What To Know And Who To Call


A small leak in a home appliance, pipe, or water leak may seem simple to repair, but the long-term damage from the water can be expensive and hazardous to your home. If you have recently discovered that water has been leaking into your home for a long period of time, and there is significant water damage as a result, it's time to call the experts. A water damage restoration team is the best option for this type of emergency.

15 January 2019

How A Mold Restoration Company Gets Rid Of Mold In Your Attic


Mold can grow in your attic for a few reasons, not just because you have a roof leak. If it is warm and humid in your attic, then the environment could be perfect for mold. If you have a small attic that is difficult to stand and maneuver in, it is extremely difficult to remove mold since you would be in close contact with it and the chemicals used to clean it.

16 August 2018

Water Damage Restoration After Burst Pipes Have Destroyed Your Home


During the winter months, your home is at higher risk of a water damage problem. Freezing weather causes exposed pipes to freeze, which may lead to them bursting. After you have had a problem with a burst pipe, the restoration process needs to start to prevent problems like mold from developing. Here are some of the things that you will want to know about restoration after you have had a problem with burst pipes:

18 January 2017

The Danger Of Sewer Backups


Flooding and plumbing clogs can cause a disgusting problem in your home: sewage backup. If you have ever dealt with this issue, you know just how filthy and lengthy the cleanup can be. What you may not realize is just how dangerous this situation is to your health. Proper restoration steps must be followed to keep your family safe. When sewage enters your home, you need to have professional help with the cleanup.

28 July 2016

3 Tips For Home Fire Damage Restoration


When a fire breaks out in your home, the headaches associated with it can last long after avoiding the initial danger. Fire damage restoration can wreak havoc on your home, destroying property, leaving smoke and soot damage and overall lowering the quality and value of your home. If you want to pick up the pieces quickly after a fire, you will need to learn and apply some important fire damage restoration tips that will be useful to you.

19 January 2016

3 Easy DIY Fixes For Home Water Damage


Many homeowners will have to deal with water damage at some point. Luckily, if that damage is minimal, there are a few simple steps to renew your home to its former glory. Repair Wood Hardwood is a popular style choice for many homeowners because it's a versatile and practical look. Wood is susceptible to water damage, because it is a very porous material. Luckily, there are ways to salvage most water damaged hardwood floors and fixtures.

22 April 2015

You Shouldn't Fear Toxic Mold: Here's Why


Mold in homes is not uncommon, and not all molds are toxic. That's why the term "toxic mold" can be misleading. Only certain molds will produce toxic spores and only under certain circumstances. Even though a certain mold can become toxic, does not mean it will. And if it does, you must inhale enough of the mold spores for it cause illness. It is not likely that you or someone in your family can inhale enough spores to take in a toxic dose.

28 February 2015

Removing Mold After A Flood Situation


If you have a home that has recently suffered from flood damage, you will want to do a thorough job in removing moisture from the area so your home is not at risk for mold. If mold has already set in, you will need to work hard at removing it. Mold can be dangerous if it is left in place, as it can cause breathing problems for those in the area.

23 February 2015